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Fall Creek Softball & Baseball

Parent/Volunteer/Spectator Pledge

As we are nearing the start of practices and games, we would like to communicate our league-wide protocols and policies below:

● We are depending and relying on parents for ballplayer(s) health.  Please do not bring anyone to practices or games experiencing a fever, signs of Covid-19 or feeling unwell.  Please supply your ballplayer(s) with their own hand sanitizer for practices and games.

● Limited use of dugouts – No more than three coaches/ ballplayers may be in the dugout at the same time.  The bleachers by each dugout will be reserved for the rest of the ballplayers/coaches.  We recommend bat bags may be hung on the outside of the dugouts and the fence between the dugout and home plate area.

● Parents and fans need to watch the games from field fences beyond the dugouts on the 1st and 3rd base sidelines and the center field fence.

● No shared equipment between players – including bats, gloves, water bottles and batting helmets.  The league will loan helmets to players that need them and who can not get one of their own.  We do have a limited supply so this will be on a first come first serve basis.

● Catcher equipment and helmets will be cleaned between player changes by a coach.

● FCSB will do a league-wide communication of any confirmed Covid case following HIPPAA guidelines.  FCSB commissioners      and Board officers will not allow any player we suspect to be ill to participate.

● Parents and coaches should consistently remind ballplayers of these safety guidelines.

● All family members need to practice social distancing or wear a mask covering the nose and mouth at all times.
● Everyone has a shared responsibility to keep our ballplayers, coaches, concession stand workers and fans safe!

We want you to feel confident that we will follow all the directives and guidelines of the CDC, Governor Holcomb and the state and local medical authorities and implement needed changes to protect you, your ballplayers your families and extended families.

Weather Line: 317-377-4770

Fall Creek Softball & Baseball, 5301 N Franklin Rd
Indianapolis, Indiana 46226
Email : [email protected]
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