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Fall Creek Softball & Baseball

Baseball Rules: Majors (13U) Division

Approval Date: 8/11/19
Updated: 5/16/22

General Rules

  1. The overall purpose of this league is to provide age-appropriate, competitive baseball, which will be enjoyable for all involved. FCSB expects that the players, coaches, parents, and fans will conduct themselves with that purpose in mind and display good sportsmanship at all times.
  2. All judgment calls by an umpire may not be protested or argued. Umpires have the final say.
  3. Rules interpretation must be discussed as soon as the dispute arises. The umpire and the Head Coaches will resolve the dispute before play resumes. Only the Head coach will address the umpire if a question arises. The Officer of the Day will get involved if necessary. All decisions are final.
  4. Coaches are responsible for the behavior of their team. No arguing or poor sportsmanship from players, coaches, parent’s, or fan’s will be tolerated!  Any person violating this rule will be given one (1) warning, after that should the poor sportsmanship continue the individual coach, player, parent or fan, will be suspended from the current game and the next upcoming game. A suspended coach, player, parent or fan will be required to leave the entire park by the Officer of the Day.  Should they refuse to leave the game, it will become a forfeit and also result in a Ban from any remainder League activity for the calendar year. 
  5. For good cause, a 10-minute grace period will be extended after the scheduled start of the game. If, after this period of time has expired and a team has not shown itself ready to play, the game will be forfeited.
  6. The minimum number of players to start and finish a game is 7.
    1. Coach can determine which positions to not field
    2. There will not be an automatic out in the 8th or 9th batting positions.
    3. If a team is aware that it will have a short lineup for game time, teams have the ability to draft up from the Major Minor division to fill a short roster at game time. Teams my also utilize 1 Major player from a team that is not playing. In doing so that player must play an outfield position, cannot pitch, and will be placed at the last batting position in the lineup. As always only registered FC players can play during game times. The use of a Major Minor player is not permitted during tournament time.
  7. A complete game will consist of 6 innings except in the case of inclement weather or reaching the time limit. In the event of inclement weather, 3 complete innings will be considered a complete game. The umpire will have the final determination when and if a new inning will begin. The umpire will give the official start time to the Home scorebook keeper. The Home Scorebook will serve as the official book of record. If a game is suspended in the middle of an inning due to weather or darkness and has gone at least 3 complete innings, then the final result of that game will revert back to the previous full inning played.
  8. No new inning will start after the time limit of 1 hour and 45 minutes has been reached. Any new inning started before the time limit is played to completion. The last inning shall be declared by the umpire before the start of the inning. The last inning must be called after 1hr 35 mins.
  9. Note: During tournament play, Semi-Final and Final games will not have a time limit.
  10. Games ending in a tie after 6 innings can play 1 full tiebreaker inning if the time limit has not been exhausted. If still tied after the extra inning, each team will start the inning with one out and a runner on 2nd base who was the last out made in the previous inning.
  11. A mercy run rule does apply: 15 runs after 3 innings, 10 runs after 4 innings and 8 runs after 5 innings.
  12. No metal cleats may be worn. No Exceptions!
  13. Games will be played on 70’ base paths. Coaches are responsible to verify bases are at 70’ before the game starts.
  14. Protective cups must be worn by all catchers.
  15. Catchers must use a catcher’s mitt.
  16. No on deck batters are allowed at any time.

Game Rules:

  1. Each team will field 9 defensive players: 1 pitcher, 1 catcher, 4 infielders, and 3 outfielders positioned in the outfield grass. If less than 9 players are available, teams will be allowed to play with less than 3 outfielders. No more than 4 players in the infield will be allowed.
  2. The “infield fly rule” does apply.
  3. Lead offs are allowed.
  4. Balks – 1st occurrence for each pitcher will be a warning. Second occurrence will result in next base being awarded to each base runner.
  5. The dropped 3rd strike rule does apply.
  6. At the umpire’s judgment, a runner is out when the runner does not attempt to avoid contact with a fielder that is making the play at the base. Headfirst slides are only permitted when retreating to a base. If a player headfirst slides attempting to advance into a base, they will be called out.
  7. A runner will be called out if he or she attempts to leap over a fielder making a tag.  This is considered an unsafe act.
  8. Players must remain inside the dugout while game is in progress. Failure to do so may result in an out being assessed by the Umpire.

Pitching Rules:

  1. Pitchers will pitch from 50 feet, with the following limits:
    1. Pitchers are limited to a maximum of 2 innings per game. If playing a double header a 3rd inning may be pitched during the day.
    2. A single pitch equals 1 inning
  2. When a starting pitcher is replaced in a game, he/she may re-enter the game at a later time as a pitcher, only if he/she stays on the field and the max number of innings is not reached.
  3. A pitcher must be replaced on the 3rd trip to the mound in a single inning. A “trip to the mound” is defined as: any conversation or action between the coach and pitcher that delays the flow of the game, except for injury, as determined by the umpire.
  4. A pitcher must be removed from pitching if he hits 3 batters in an inning or 4 batters during the same game.
  5. No player may catch or pitch without a 1-inning break between these assignments. The player may play other positions during this break, but he may not move directly from pitching to catching or vice-verse.
  6. Balk calls are in effect, pitchers will receive 1 warning only. 

Hitting Rules:

  1. A continuous batting order will be used. All players present will bat.
  2. Coaches and umpires shall make every attempt to ensure proper batting order. Babe Ruth playing rule 6.07 shall govern batting out of order.
  3. Bunting is allowed, however fake bunting where the batter squares to bunt then gives a full swing is not allowed and will result in the batter being called out.
  4. The following bats sizes are allowed: USA stamped up to 2 5/8th inches. USSSA bats up to 2 1/4th inches.
  5. Wood bats up to 2 5/8 are allowed for play as long as they meet the following  guidelines. Solid one piece wood bats do not require a USA baseball certified stamp. However, any multi-piece wood bat must have the USA stamp to be approved for play.
  6. If a player squares up for a bunt, but the pitch is out of the strike zone, as long as the player didn’t “chase it”, this will be called a ball. (Batter doesn’t need to pull bat back)
  7. The Batter must attempt to get out of the way of a bad pitch, failure to do so could result in a dead ball being called and no base awarded. 

Field Dimensions

Fall creek will play on a 50/70 field dimension.

General Rules:

  1. The HOME team is assigned to the 3rd base dugout for all games.
  2. The HOME team is responsible for lining the diamond before the game, if it is not already done. 
  3. The Visiting team is responsible for raking the field after the game.
  4. ONLY players and coaches are permitted in the dugout during game time.  Parents and siblings must remain outside the dugouts.
  5. If the Batter throws the bat after swinging, a team warning will be issued. Any batter throwing their bat after the warning will be called out.
  6. Any unsportsmanlike behavior by a player, including but not limited to, throwing a bat, throwing a helmet, throwing a glove, throwing a fit, use of profane language, or anything else deemed inappropriate, may result in the immediate ejection of the player from the game.  The next game suspension will also be enforced
  7. It is important that the coaches teach the proper fundamentals, skills, positions, and attitudes on how the game should be played. These players are our future, give them the opportunity to learn and have fun!
  8. If you have a complaint or concern, take the concern to Coach first followed by League Commissioner, if  you are not satisfied with the decision/result, a written request concerning the situation must be submitted to the Board of Directors for review.

Weather Line: 317-377-4770

Fall Creek Softball & Baseball, 5301 N Franklin Rd
Indianapolis, Indiana 46226
Email : [email protected]
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