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Fall Creek Softball & Baseball

Baseball Rules: Minors (8U) Division

Updated: 4/24/22

General Rules

  1. Age cut-off date is opening day of current season.
  2. All judgment calls by an umpire may not be protested or argued. Umpires have the final say. Regular season games may be self umpired. Disputes ,in team umpired games. are to be settled at the mound. If a dispute cannot be settled quickly (30 seconds) coaches shall play Rock, Paper, Scissors and winner makes the call.  This includes disputes about rules.  Be good sports, have fun and remember: there are no baseball emergencies.

  3. No Protested Games: Rules interpretation may be discussed as soon as the dispute arises. All decisions by game officials are final.

  4. Coaches are responsible for the behavior of the team. No arguing or poor sportsmanship from players, coaches, parent’s, or fan’s will be tolerated!  Any person violating this rule will be given one (1) warning, after that should the poor sportsmanship continue the individual coach, player, parent or fan, will be suspended from the current game and the next upcoming game. A suspended coach, player, parent or fan will be required to leave the entire park by the Officer of the Day.  Should they refuse to leave the game, it will become a forfeit and also result in a Ban from any remainder League activity for the calendar year. 
  5. ONLY players and coaches are permitted in the dugout during game time.  Parents and siblings must remain outside the dugouts.
  6. Home Team Designation. Schedule will determine home team for regular play. Home team will occupy 3rd base dugout.
  7. Grace Period: A 10-minute grace period will be extended after the scheduled start of the game. If, after this period of time has expired and a team has not shown itself ready to play, the game will be forfeited.
  8. Minimum Players to Play: The minimum number of players to start and finish a game is eight (8).
  9. Coach can determine which position to not field
  10. There will not be an automatic out in the 9th batting position.
  11. Complete game: A complete game will consist of six (6) innings, however, the 10-run rule will apply after four (4) innings, 15-run rule after three (3) innings, or 8-run rule after five (5) innings
  12. A time lime of 1 hour and 45 minutes will be in effect for all games. No new inning will start after the time limit has expired. An inning may be completed once it is started.
  13. The maximum number of runs in an inning to be scored is 6 (six) per team except for the last known inning. The last inning must be called after 1hr 35 mins. There will be no run limit during the last inning
  14. Playing Time: All players must play a minimum of two (2) innings in a six (6) inning game. Exception: If a player has a doctor’s note about an injury. Restriction to playing time may be in effect.  If a player is injured and doesn’t have a doctor’s note about playing, he must receive the opposing coaches ok if he is only going to play either the field or bat.
  15. Every player must sit out one inning before any player sits out a second inning.
  16. NO METAL spikes

Hitting/Baserunning Rules

  1. Bunting is not allowed.
  2. The team will bat all dressed players.
  3. Batter is out after 3 strikes. Swinging Misses and Fouls Balls DO COUNT AS STRIKES.
  4. Hard baseballs will be used for all games
  5. Each batter can receive up to a maximum of 6 pitches. If the player hasn't put the ball in play after 6 pitches, then the batter is out unless they foul-tips the 6th pitch. The batter may get more than 6 pitches if they keep fouling off the ball. The batter can NOT take a pitch without being called out after 6 pitches.
    1. If catcher catches foul tipped ball on 3rd strike the batter is out.
  6. No walks, stolen bases or lead-offs are allowed. The runners cannot leave the base until the ball is hit.
  7. If the Batter throws the bat after swinging, a team warning will be issued. Any batter throwing their bat after the warning will be called out.
  8. The only player that may swinging a bat is the player up to bat. - SAFETY IS ESSENTIAL - No hit-sticks or swinging bats inside or outside the dugout. No on deck batters
  9. The slide rule is in effect for all close plays at a base. A player not sliding may be considered out in the judgment of the umpire, and the play is considered dead. Base runners attempting to score must slide at home plate, unless in the umpire’s judgment, contact is not likely without sliding.
  10. For safety reasons. Head first slides into any base is not permitted and will result in the runner being called OUT.
  11. Over Throws. Runners will be permitted one base only on all overthrows to first base. On all other overthrows the ball will remain live so long as long as it is on the field of play.
  12. The following bats sizes are allowed: USA stamped up to 2 5/8th inches. USSSA bats up to 2 1/4th inches
  13. A batter throwing his/her bat or helmet will be given one (1) warning. A second offense and the batter will be considered out.
  14. Injured Base Runner. The last runner not to reach base will replace any runner sustaining an injury while running, on base

Defense/Pitching Rules

  1. All Pitcher's-helpers must wear heart guard and helmet (or face mask) at all times during play. Protective cups are optional but not required. The pitcher’s helper must not be positioned in front of the pitcher before ball is pitched.
    1. Pitcher’s helpers must be one step further away from batter than coach pitcher.
  2. Pitches must be overhand at a minimum distance of 30 feet to the plate.
  3. The coach that pitches must make every effort to move from field during live ball and not interfere with play..
  4. For safety reasons the pitcher must pitch from a standing position.
  5. Defensive players must refrain from chanting “Swing Batter” or directing the batter in any matter.
  6. Play will stop when an infielder has control of the ball, in front of the lead runner or the pitcher's helper has the ball near the mound. If the lead runner is less than half-way to the next base, they should return to previous base. If more than half-way, the next base will be awarded. Only the umpires can grant time and should loudly and clearly call "time" to stop play.
  7. An outfielder may not make an unassisted play at a base. He must get the ball to an infielder.
  8. Catchers must wear a protective cup.
  9. An outfielder may not maintain his fielding position on the infield dirt, and must maintain a respectable distance from the infield. Defensive coaches cannot be on the infield. One defensive coach can be in the foul area to instruct the team. This coach should not be close to the 1st or 3rd base coaches. A second defensive coach may be in outfield, behind the deepest outfielder.   Another defensive coach may assist the catcher in fielding balls thrown by the coach that is pitching.
  10. If a batted ball hits the Coach pitching, the play is ruled dead and the batter resumes the same pitch count they had before the pitch.
  11. Interference:
    1. Base runners who intentionally interfere with the defensive player will be called out. Defensive players must remain out of the base paths and not block bases or home plate. If a Defensive player interferes with the base runner or intentionally blocks a base or home plate, the player is automatically awarded the base he/she was heading towards.

Weather Line: 317-377-4770

Fall Creek Softball & Baseball, 5301 N Franklin Rd
Indianapolis, Indiana 46226
Email : [email protected]
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