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Fall Creek Softball & Baseball


Revised March 30, 2021

  1. All players must wear a full conforming uniform during game play, unless both coaches agree otherwise.
  2. The official ball is the 12-inch ASA certified ball with a 0.47 core.
  3. All players must play both infield and outfield within the first three (3) innings of a game. If you have special circumstances, they must be approved by a softball commissioner. This rule only applies during regular season, and does not apply during tournament play.
  4. All players must have equal playing time.
  5. Players may not taunt an opponent. Derogatory comments are not allowed. Violation results in a warning, the second violation will result in an ejection from the game.
  6. The umpire’s rulings are final and non-contestable. Coaches, players, and fans will exhibit good sportsmanship at all times. No arguing or poor sportsmanship from players, coaches, parent’s, or fan’s will be tolerated!  Any person violating this rule will be given one (1) warning, after that should the poor sportsmanship continue the individual coach, player, parent or fan, will be suspended from the current game and the next upcoming game. A suspended coach, player, parent or fan will be required to leave the entire park by the Officer of the Day.  Should they refuse to leave the game, it will become a forfeit and also result in a Ban from any remainder League activity for the calendar year.  Profanity is strictly prohibited. Violation results in a warning, the second violation will result in an ejection from the game.
  7. These rules cannot be changed or modified unless a majority vote is made by league directors.
  8. All coaching staff must sign coach’s code of conduct and all parents must sign the parent’s code of conduct, both to be filed with the league prior to the first game or the game is forfeited.
  9. ASA rules will be used where not specified on this document.


  1. Each half inning will end when the offensive team has three (3) outs or the offensive team has scored five (5) runs. No continuation rule in this age division.
  2. Each team’s batting order will include the entire roster with unlimited substitutions.  Teams are required to have at least 8 players to start the game and do not have to take an out during league play. During tournament play, ASA rule applies.
  3. Batters will not throw bats and will be warned by the umpire once for the violation. This warning will be a team warning, and the next violation will result in the acting batter being declared out.

Base Running

  1. Coaches may not assist a runner, via any physical contact. Any violation will result in the runner being declared out.
  2. In the event of a dropped 3rd strike pitch, the batter may attempt to advance to 1st base under one (1) of the following two (2) conditions: 1st base in not occupied and there are less than two (2) outs or 1st base is occupied and there are two (2) outs.
  3. Runners are permitted to steal 2nd base, 3rd base, and home plate, once the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand.


  1. The defensive ream will consist of ten (10) players: six (6) infielders (1st base, 2nd base, shortstop, 3rd base, catcher, and pitcher) and four (4) outfielders.
  2. Outfielders must play behind the base path line.
  3. No infielder, except pitcher, will be positioned closer to home plate than the pitching rubber prior to the release of the pitch.
  4. Distance from the front of the pitching rubber to the back point of home plate is 40 feet. The circle around the pitcher’s mound will be 16 feet in diameter.
  5. The pitcher may only start pitching in four (4) innings per game.
  6. The pitcher must start with both feet on the pitching rubber and have one (1) foot in contact with the ground when the pitch is delivered. A forward motion must be made, and no step back is permitted. If the pitcher uses a windmill motion, only one (1) revolution may be made. If the pitcher uses a whip motion, only one (1) whip may be made.

Game Length

  1. Regulation game time is one hour and thirty minutes (1:30) from the first pitch or seven (7) innings, whichever comes first. No new inning will begin after the time limit has expired. New inning begins immediately following the third out of the previous innings. If the game is tied at the completion of a full inning, international tie break rules apply (the last batted out from the previous inning start on 2nd base with no outs and the batting order resumes where left off). No time limit during tournament play, will play complete seven (7) innings.
  2. Game is complete if a team is leading by more than fifteen (15) runs after four (4) innings or ten (10) runs after five (5) innings.
  3. The following will be used for rain out and delay of game. The game is a complete game at the completion of four and one-half (4.5) innings, if the home team is ahead, or five (5) innings if the visiting team is ahead. In the event a game is delayed by rain and either of these conditions has been met, the game is over and the score is final. If, however, neither of these two conditions has been met, the game will be suspended and the game will restart with a new time limit of one hour and thirty minutes (1:30) of play as soon as possible. The umpire and coaches may agree to stop a game that results in a tie in the event of a rain delay.

Code of Conduct

  • All persons associated with the Fall Creek Softball program, including coaches, players, umpires, parents, and attendees, will conduct themselves both responsibly and courteously. If a person’s conduct results in an ejection, they will be asked to leave the property. They will have five minutes to comply and if they refuse, the offending team will forfeit the game.
  • Any “trash talking”, derogatory comments, profanity, or abusive language toward a coach, player, umpire, parent, or attendee will result in a team warning. A second offense, during any will result in immediate ejection and suspension from the next scheduled game.
  • Any intentional physical contact by a coach, player, umpire, parent, or attendee will result in immediate ejection and suspension from attending Fall Creek Softball & Baseball sporting events for the remainder of the season.

Weather Line: 317-377-4770

Fall Creek Softball & Baseball, 5301 N Franklin Rd
Indianapolis, Indiana 46226
Email : [email protected]
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