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Fall Creek Softball & Baseball

Baseball Rules: Rookie Division

Updated: 4/23/22

Game Rules

  1. A Complete Game will consist of (2)-innings.
  2. NO SCORE WILL BE KEPT! (It’s not about winning, just have fun and TEACH your players how to love, respect and play the game) Teaching the completive part of baseball will come in the next level of play!
    *Teams will bat entire lineup at each batting turn, regardless of number of outs. Once the team bats through their lineup, they will then take their turn in the field.*
  3. There are NO Strike outs.
  4. There are No Walks.
  5. Each batter will get 6 pitches from his or her coach. If they do not hit the ball after the pitch a batting tee will be used and the batter has as many swings necessary to hit the ball into fair territory
  6. Upon a player being injured, ALL play MUST stop immediately!
    If a player is injured during a play and the ball had been hit in fair territory, the batter is awarded 1st. base and any runners on base advance (1) - base only!
  7. Infield Hits: A base runner may only advance (1) base upon a ball being hit to the INFIELD
    The INFIELD is defined as of any part of the playing field that is in fair territory and extends from home plate to the inside edge of the outfield grass
  8. Outfield Hits: A base runner may only advance (2) bases upon a ball being hit to the Outfield in fair territory.
    The OUTFIELD is defined as of any part of the playing field that is in fair territory and extending from the inside edge of the outfield grass to the fence
  9. Overthrows: In the event of an overthrow to a base, all runners may ONLY advance (1) base
  10. Tag Out Plays:
    1. When the ball is hit in FAIR territory and fielded by an opposing player and the RUNNER is physically tagged with the ball either bare handed or with the ball in his or her glove, the runner is out and must return to the dugout
  11. Force Out Plays:
    1. When the ball is hit in FAIR territory and fielded by an opposing player and the BAG is physically tagged with the ball either bare handed or with the ball in his or her glove, the runner is out
  12. All runners who are called out are to return to their respective dugouts immediately.
  13. ALL Close Tag Out Plays:
    1. The runner will be considered SAFE (ALWAYS!)
  14. Pitchers Helper:
    1. The proper and ONLY position on the field for the pitchers helper is on the 3rd base side or 1st base side within circle in middle of infield.
    2. Pitchers helper is REQUIRED to wear a helmet with a face mask
  15. Fielding Players:
    1. The infield will consist of (5) players (1) each at 1st, 2nd, SS, 3rd base and the Pitcher's Helper
    2. ALL other player are to be evenly distributed in the outfield area along the outfield grass line and both feet must be in the grass until the ball is hit in fair territory
  16. There are No Catchers in the Rookie League, Only a coach or team parent is allowed to be behind the plate.
  17. Accountability:
    1. Coaches, players and parents are responsible for cleaning up your dugout area after each game

Rookie Division’s Mission:

To teach our young future stars how to love, respect and play the game of baseball.

Remember, there are many life lessons that you as a coach can teach your young players through this wonderful game, and you have a responsibility as a volunteer coach to help mold these young minds in the right direction. This division is designed to help teach your young players how to hit, throw, catch and field a baseball and to recognize the do’s and don’ts as it is applies to good sportsmanship.

Weather Line: 317-377-4770

Fall Creek Softball & Baseball, 5301 N Franklin Rd
Indianapolis, Indiana 46226
Email : [email protected]
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